Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Evangelizing Trip to Bankambo...

 April 23 - 27,  2015

Bishop Ngozo had visited an area in the west province near the Nigerian border, and discovered a sizeable number of English speaking members of an EELC congregation in the village of Bankambo. He asked if I would be willing to travel there and introduce English liturgy to them. I agreed, and on Thursday 23 April 2015 myself Assistant to the Bishop Adolph Telessem and Rev. Brian Palmer (ELCA Missionary) departed for Bamkim.

Brian’s was posted in Liberia, but due to the Ebola epidemic had been temporarily assigned to Ngaoundéré Cameroon. Rev. Adolph Telessam was in charge of Evangelism in the EELC.

On Thursday 23rd of April 2015 at 5:ooam we departed. The shortest route to the West Province was south to the town of Tibati, but having driven often on that road when I was responsible for four village churches, I knew that the road could be even in Cameroon terms: very bad. Therefore we decided to take the longer route via Meiganga, Tibati, Banyo to Bankim: approximately 520 kilometers one way.

We had been given a five-day agenda wherein we will be presiding at church services and giving presentations on Baptism, Christian Revival and an introduction to English Liturgy. The first 135 kilometers is newly paved, but after that it is broken potholed pavement of an ancient un-serviced road to Banyo. From Banyo to Bankim the rolling jungle transforms into beautiful forest covered mountains and verdant valleys. The planted crops are more well defined and the soil is much darker, perhaps from more intense fertilization. The road itself is red earth with the more treacherous cliff hanging scenarios paved.

Our first night is spent in a guest house of the Lutheran Church in Bankim, after a prayer meeting and a presentation on Revival. The following day we proceeded to Nyamboyang where we met with church members and I spoke on Baptism. Later that day we continued on to the village of Songokolong
where we dined and were offered a house where we would spend the night. The next morning we travelled about 20 kms to the village of Bankambo where we  met the officials of the congregation and were able to converse in English with many of those present. Rev. Adolph was very familiar with this area as his father was very much involved in helping to establish congregations in this area. We would later stop at his former home in Somik and visit the grave site of his father.

I gave a presentation on Baptism and offered some direction in English Liturgy from the Lutheran Book of Worship (the Green Book).
Bankambo Lutheran Church

There are birds in this tree...

Sunday morning Brian remained in Songokolong to preach at the church there, while Rev. Adolph and I travelled back to Bankambo where I preached, and after enjoyed sharing greetings and a meal.

The drive to Lingham

We packed up our bags in Songokolong and travelled a short distance to the small village of Lingam and spent the night in the Lingam Palace (a very neat small Auberge). Unfortunately Cameroon's revenge had caught up with me and straying from a toilet put me in jeopardy. I stayed in my room.

Monday morning I was feeling much better, and we travelled about 50kms through beautiful mountainous country to the village of Mayo Njinga.

Our Companion Synod Program had financed a church roof on the church of Mayo Njinga in 2008 and Valerie and I had personally visited them in that year. We were warmly greeted by the congregation, especially the women, who were deeply  disappointed that Valerie was not with us (she is generally the camera person—few photos of me).
The long drive back to N'Gaoundéré

We drove all day and into darkness arriving in Ngaoundéré.

Thank God for a safe journey.
Hallelujah - Christ is Risen...

Saturday, April 25, 2015


 It's not over 'til Jesus says it's've not seen nothing yet!
HE is risen, indeed 
Have you ever had a time in your life that you are totally out of control—even frightened—then suddenly everything is OKAY? God steps in and takes control, of us and the situation—Jesus bears the burden!

We had that frightening experience last Friday afternoon shortly after leaving Garoua Boulaï on our way ,'home' from our five day trip to Yokadouma. He, Jesus was with us - he carried us through the turmoil! Praise to the Lord we are OK and so is the driver of the moto...

The Sounds of the Morn at 5:25 - through the front screen of window
in background - the calls to prayer 

This tiny bird is a Pygmy Kingfisher - he frequents our rock in flying dips and dives, so quick...he then perches on a shrub by the door to dry a bit before taking another dip and dive.
We also have the White Crested Turacos -
they were here two days ago:
 Image result for white crested turaco
The Great Blue-Eared Starling always at our rock bath -
note in the movie
I am doing something a little different on this blog—a movie pictorial of our life since Easter - of course there are many more stories, but this is the one I'm telling...
watch on full screen.
At all the villages church services they feed us: the meal almost always has cassava as a mainstay.  This is how it is prepared.  I have had the opportunity in stirring this hot heavy blend - as you see as it is almost ready, the men also help.
 Men and women stirring the hot heavy Cassava/Foufou

MORE TO COME: Jack is on another trip...

Rains returned after over 2 weeks, yesterday afternoon—this AM