Saturday, April 25, 2015


 It's not over 'til Jesus says it's've not seen nothing yet!
HE is risen, indeed 
Have you ever had a time in your life that you are totally out of control—even frightened—then suddenly everything is OKAY? God steps in and takes control, of us and the situation—Jesus bears the burden!

We had that frightening experience last Friday afternoon shortly after leaving Garoua Boulaï on our way ,'home' from our five day trip to Yokadouma. He, Jesus was with us - he carried us through the turmoil! Praise to the Lord we are OK and so is the driver of the moto...

The Sounds of the Morn at 5:25 - through the front screen of window
in background - the calls to prayer 

This tiny bird is a Pygmy Kingfisher - he frequents our rock in flying dips and dives, so quick...he then perches on a shrub by the door to dry a bit before taking another dip and dive.
We also have the White Crested Turacos -
they were here two days ago:
 Image result for white crested turaco
The Great Blue-Eared Starling always at our rock bath -
note in the movie
I am doing something a little different on this blog—a movie pictorial of our life since Easter - of course there are many more stories, but this is the one I'm telling...
watch on full screen.
At all the villages church services they feed us: the meal almost always has cassava as a mainstay.  This is how it is prepared.  I have had the opportunity in stirring this hot heavy blend - as you see as it is almost ready, the men also help.
 Men and women stirring the hot heavy Cassava/Foufou

MORE TO COME: Jack is on another trip...

Rains returned after over 2 weeks, yesterday afternoon—this AM

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